About Ann Marie Marciarille

I am an  Associate Professor of Law at the University of Missouri–Kansas City. After seventeen years as a student of California’s health care system, I am intrigued to be reaching to Missouri for my examples. The past several months, in preparation for my move to UMKC and teaching Health Law there, has been a crash course in health law and health care — Missouri style.  I started this blog to share what I learned and to intitiate a broader conversation about what it will take for the Affordable Care Act to work in Missouri.

I am a graduate of Amherst College and Harvard Law School who has spent much of the past twenty five years as a health law attorney and ten of those years working on health care related matters for the office of the California Attorney General.

I have taught Health Law, Elder Law, Disability Law, Health Law Policy, and Health Care Finance at Pacific McGeorge School of Law, Berkeley Law School/Boalt Hall, and the University of California – Hastings College of the Law.

My SSRN link is found at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1651739

My cv is at: AnnMarieMarciarille_CV_9_2_2014

My biography is at: Marciarille_revisedbio_5_7_14-2